Far away,
in a tropical country,
Palm-trees, flowers, sun and sea;
Three little crickets lived on the shore.
They left their homes some years ago,
So tired of all those rainy days.
Jumping in a suitcase, ready to go
In the airplane they were stow-aways.
They had to move fast so they travelled light;
Luggage was only tooth-paste and brush.
So tired of all those rainy days.
Jumping in a suitcase, ready to go
In the airplane they were stow-aways.
They had to move fast so they travelled light;
Luggage was only tooth-paste and brush.
A torch for dark moments during the flight
Was almost forgotten because of their rush.
This is the way the adventure started,
Worn out they arrived at their destination,
Many long hours
after having departed
But soon it would feel just like a vacation!
How happy they were in this beautiful spot!
Their main chore was to have fun each day,
Food was abundant, the sun was hot
Never again would they go away!
But once they sang of their old home-town
With words
of love and deep affection,
Comments from others made them feel down.
That's when the place lost all it's attraction..
That's when the place lost all it's attraction..
A big
spider said: ‘Since you live here
It is us you should sing about in your song!’
His ugly face made them shake with fear
What in the
world had they done wrong ?
‘Forget the past if you have some sense!’
hissed a poisonous
scorpion with colored frock.
He too,
like the spider, was immense
The look in
his eyes was hard as a rock.
A huge cockroach with bright stripes on his chest
and shields which made him look 'dressed to
Said: 'Strangers who don't adapt I detest!'
All three down their spines could feel that chill!
They fled to the airport as fast as they could,
In this hostile place they could not remain!
In this hostile place they could not remain!
All native inhabitants had been so rude..
Once back home they'd never leave again!
Lontano da qui, in un paese tropicale,
Dove il mare è turchese e la sabbia par neve,
Tra le palme vissero tre piccole cicale
Sbrigando faccende con fatica lieve.
Vi emigrarono insieme nel lontano Duemila:
Partendo da casa in una giornata grigia,
Portandosi spazzolino, dentifricio e pila,
si nascosero dentro una grande valigia
si nascosero dentro una grande valigia
Fu soltanto l'inizio di una lunga avventura;
Poco dopo quella valigia partì dall'aeroporto
Nella stiva dell'aereo, quando ebbero paura,
La luce della pila servìi per dare del conforto.
Arrivarono infine in quel posto d'incanto;
Relax ogni mattina e baldoria le sere.
Il sole era caldo, il cibo tanto,
Passavano il tempo come vere vacanziere.
La nostalgìa arrivò ad un certo momento
Quando si misero a cantare della loro terra
Reazioni del pubblico le davano sgomento;
Facendole sentire come profughe di guerra...
Reazioni del pubblico le davano sgomento;
Facendole sentire come profughe di guerra...
...Un grosso ragno urlò: 'Ma cosa volete?
A me non interessa della vostra canzone,
Se provaste a venire nella mia bella rete
Insegnerei come si sta dentro il mio pancione!'
'Questa vostra storia non ha nè capo nè coda,
Basta cantare, se non volete che vi meno!'
Diceva loro uno scorpione, vestito alla moda
Aggiungendo al discorso una punta di veleno.
Poi arrivò quello scarafaggio tutto a strisce
Con il suo atteggiamento minaccioso ed ostile,
Alle cicale venne paura, lo si capisce:
La gente del posto era a dir poco incivile!
Hanno preso la prima valigia di ritorno,
Decidendo stavolta per un viaggio via mare.
Arrivando a casa dopo un mese ed un giorno.
..Ai tropici non ci vollero mai più pensare!